You could not pay me to work with this yarn.. oh, wait, someone is. Oh well. It's Joann brand Sensations, a super bulky, slightly thick and thin yarn with two plies - one in red, the other variegated (going from olive to yellow to orange to pink). Each ply is not very well spun but they are spun together reasonably well. I'm not a spinner so that's not a very technical explanation but there you have it. This yarn is CHUNKY. The recommended needle size is 17 - say what?? I'm working it with 8's cause I have a death wish, and getting 3.5 sts/inch. These longies are a favor for someone I know online, who bought the yarn so her grandma could crochet some longies, but it was too thick and thus too difficult for her grandma to work with, so she wanted someone to make them for her. She provided the yarn and I'm using a free, ok-to-knit-for-commercial-use pattern (with lots of mods to suit the yarn and my own changes) - and she's paying me.

I charged a reasonable amount, but now I'm wishing I had not been so anxious to finish - I started with measurements that were based on memory, and after finishing the body I questioned it (the body looked disproportionate)- she re-measured and her memory was off. I think I'm going to leave the legs as-is, re-do the body to the gussets and then cut and graft the legs back on. The legs should be fine, just the rise and waist need adjusting. Oh well. She'll still have them in time for Christmas.
My wrists hurt just thinking about knitting that tight with super-bulky yarn! Ouch.
It hasn't been that bad, but certainly not super easy. I think sz 17 needles would make an outrageously loose fabric. It is a very thick, dense fabric - maybe too thick - I'm not sure.
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