Wait... What color?
I belong to a Yarn of the Month club. This means that every month I get to choose one of two colorways of a handdyed yarn. This month, the choices were as follows:
1) Front Porch. I thought this was lovely, very reminiscent of autumn.
2) Summer Breeze. This one is also nice (although the photo looks a bit splotchy) and very springy.
This is what I received. Guess which colorway I ordered.

Front Porch?
Summer Breeze :-/ You can tell the lime, turquoise and deep purple colors are the same - it's just that mine is somehow pink and the sample seems blue. I am rather annoyed to be honest. Had I known this was pink instead of blue I would have ordered Front Porch :-/
I don't see a big difference in those two pictures. I would contact the seller and ask her about it. Maybe she mistakenly mailed you the wrong colorway.
Yikes!! I meant to say that I DO see a big difference in those two colorways!! And you should contact the seller about it! Sorry about that!
I was a part of the same YOTM club, and actually did not resubscribe because of this problem. :( That's no good, I'm so sorry!!
Anonymous - did you notice a similar problem with the December yarn (the green/spring mohair)?
My subscription is up for renewal in 1-2 months and I am undecided. I love two of the dyers' work, but this third dyer is just not consistent :-/
Actually, I had this experience months ago. I'm sorry to hear it is still a problem. Hopefully, you'll get back to your favorite dyer and all will be well. :)
Do you have a link to the dyers? I assume they sell yarn outside of the club structure? I really love that Front Porch colorway, I'd love to check out their work. Though I'll be wary of the club dealio, if you're unsatisfied with them. Thanks!
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