I have finished one and am halfway through a second of a pair of Broadstreet Mittens from knitty.com. I love these! The yarn is something luscious which is slipping my mind at the moment, in a gorgeous rich colorway of burgundies and purples and navies.
Anyway, I am mostly very happy with these - except with the flap top. I did a sock toe with paired decreases at either side, but in retrospect I think it makes the tip too pointy. I think I am going to undo the decreases and redo it with 5-6 decreases around.

The main thing I don't like is how far down the top comes when it is pulled over. I'm supposed to sew on a little button for the flap to hook on to, but it would have to fall halfway down the ribbing to be in the right place and that just seems wrong to me. I think a slightly less pointed flap would help.

I can't help but think to myself that it looks funny with a full thumb - and wonder if there is a way to put a little flap on the thumb as well. Of course there is a way, but I think it would make it too bulky and really just be silly. The thought is there, though!

From this angle, I quite like the appearance of the flap - it looks a bit more rounded and gentler, and I think that's what I need.
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