
What have you done this time, you ask?
Besides going ahead with 6 rows of variegated, 10 rows of red, 6 rows of variegated? (The red *really* stands out! I haven't decided if I like it. This would be a good time to make that decision but I just can't decide.)
Besides knitting a 29-stitch sleeve before realising it was entirely too large?
Besides being a little worried that the sleeves are too long?

Besides all that......I neglected to include my 3-stitch seed stitch buttonbands when splitting for front and back. I turned my 81-stitch body into a 41-stitch back and two 20-inch front panels. It wasn't until six rows later that I decided to write out the decrease pattern to make sure I'd be able to work enough decreases to end with the appropriate stitch counts. When I discovered I couldn't, I puzzled and wondered and thought about it for awhile. Then I realised my mistake.

This has *not* been my day. I do think it will be cute, though, and it's oh-so-soft. I think it would be nicer with thin-variegated, medium-red, thin-variegated, medium-red, thin-variegated striping but I can't decide how much I really care.

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