Jumpers - Finished!
I've finally finished the jumpers for my friend's twin babies - good timing, as a c-section is scheduled for Thursday if my friend can manage to make it that far! Instead of ribbon ties as suggested in the pattern, I used a pretty sparkly yarn and made twisted cords (take a length of yarn, fold it in half, and twist twist twist until you can twist no more, then bring both ends together and let it twist back on itself). I hope they stand up to use. I made a pair of socks each with my own pattern, which I will post at a later date once I refine it, again using the pretty sparkly yarn for ties. The yarn by the way was Knitpick's Shine (sport, I think - not the worsted) in Violet and Orchid in case I didn't mention that already. Very pretty, bright colours! Instead of the flowers suggested on the Magknits pattern I just did a crochet edging along each edge using the sparkly yarn again - this helps hide my not-perfect edge, too! On the pink jumper, I messed up and did my decreases right at the edge instead of one stitch in from the edge, so it wasn't quite as smooth.
My biggest concern is that the sparkly yarn frays a bit at the ends, so I have tied them off carefully and I may try dipping the ends in clear nail polish to give them a bit of stability. Not quite sure on that one :(

The jumpers and socks - front side. The ties are a bit long here; I still have to trim them once I decide on a length.

Back of the jumpers.

Detail of the edging.