You would not believe how many ends I had to weave in. The sweater is really not lopsided, it just needs a good blocking. It's very soft. I wish I had used a size smaller needle I think - but I wanted to make sure I had a nice soft floppy fabric, and I certainly do.

I was a little unsure of how the striping would look carrying on to the arm this way. I kind of like it. I don't like the underarm area very much. It's slightly choppy. It was my first time seaming in garter stitch and it was a bit tricky.

On the inside on one side I carried the yarn up the edge instead of cutting it for each color change. I tacked it all down so it wouldn't have loose pieces to catch baby's fingers on.

Here's one of the side seams. Not bad for my first garter stitch seaming. Not perfect but I think it will do.
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