This is Big Blue BFL (Blue-Faced Leicester) from
Wooly Wonders by Nada. It is dyed in the " Starry Nite" colorway, with coordinating "gold" trim. This yarn is beautiful. It is soft, firm, sturdy, and just all around wonderful.

Nada and her husband Brad originally donated this yarn to me to use for a raffle to benefit the Professor. Unfortunately, little Natty passed away before our second round of auctions/raffles, and we decided we would give them up. Instead, I offered to knit a pair of longies for Nada to raffle/auction off for her own benefit - Nada and Brad are saving up for a round of IVF, to try to conceive a child.

I figure this is a win-win situation; I wanted to try this yarn, but didn't want to shell out big bucks for it :)

These longies are HUGE (since I've mostly just done smalls until now!) - a M/L ish size, with an 18inch rise, 18inch waist and 10inch inseam. I used almost exactly 8 oz of the Starry Nite, and maybe 1-1.5oz of the gold. I wish I hadn't been so cautious with the gold at first; I would prefer the waistband to be a bit longer, but NO WAY am I ripping these out!!